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Apple Watch-based guide
to a more exciting sex life
2022 – 2023 • Product designer • Aitarget, Inc.
I joined the "LIT" project at an early stage. I was inspired with the opportunity to design the “sex app”, where I could be creative.
The project team had the research showing correlation between the pleasure and the heart rate. The main hypothesis was that it is possible to detect orgasms.

I started my UX research with the popular iOS and WatchOS apps using Apple Health and Fitness data, health diaries and mindfulness apps.

Modern pop-culture was my inspiration for product identity and UI.
I discovered that personalization, privacy and diversity must be at the core of UX.
The app should mix features of a personal health diary with stats, a fitness tracker and an educational game with a personal score.

I suggested using a dark theme to emphasize the privacy approach and colorful gradients with neon glow as the reflection of pleasure.
The Human Interface Guidelines compliance was required at the same time.

After 2 month 500 beta-testers received the app

"LIT Hint" was the main feature of this version. Users had to record their orgasm pattern with solo sessions. Once ready the app could notify partners of an empending orgasm.
Unfortunatelly "LIT Hint" didn't have enough accuracy and the main hypotesis couldn't be confirmed. The project team decided to pivot and focus on gamification and education — that’s what users wanted.
Beta-testing confirmed correlation between the pleasure and the heart rate. The algorithm behind the "LIT Hint" was edited to indicate "rising level of pleasure".
The app was released after 4 month since I joined the project. Access to unlimited features was selected as the monetization method.

I continued to design UX and UI of new features for the next year of the app development.
A fun and sexy game to play during FaceTime with your partner.

Educational game that included cards with sex facts and ideas, tasks that could help users to explore the app features and reward for accomplishing challenges.

Thank you