Homemade food marketplace
Homemade food marketplace
Homemade food marketplace
2019 – 2021 • Co-founder & product designer
2019 – 2021 • Co-founder & product designer
2019 – 2021 • Co-founder & product designer
2018. Moscow. My friend Jenya and I started developing the idea of home food delivery, something like “Grandma’s pie”.
2018. Moscow. My friend Jenya and I started developing the idea of home food delivery, something like “Grandma’s pie”.
2018. Moscow. My friend Jenya and I started developing the idea of home food delivery, something like “Grandma’s pie”.
We won 🏆 the startup contest in 2019 and got investments from the major food retailers in Russia VkusVill.
We won 🏆 the startup contest in 2019 and got investments from the major food retailers in Russia VkusVill.
We won 🏆 the startup contest in 2019 and got investments from the major food retailers in Russia VkusVill.
Round 1: proof of concept
Round 1: proof of concept
First off, we needed to prove the main hypothesis ☝️“People are ready to order food made by not professional cooks in their kitchens”.
We created multiple no-code web-sites, the chat-bot, and started promoting our Instagram account to get both home-cooks and clients.
First off, we needed to prove the main hypothesis ☝️“People are ready to order food made by not professional cooks in their kitchens”.
We created multiple no-code web-sites, the chat-bot, and started promoting our Instagram account to get both home-cooks and clients.
First off, we needed to prove the main hypothesis ☝️“People are ready to order food made by not professional cooks in their kitchens”.
We created multiple no-code web-sites, the chat-bot, and started promoting our Instagram account to get both home-cooks and clients.
We worked offline with VkusVill employees in shops and offices. Also we promoted Chef Local at conferences like MCOM Foodtech 2019.
At that time I was personally creating all visual materials and managing the network of cooks and their clients with my co-founder Jenya.
We worked offline with VkusVill employees in shops and offices. Also we promoted Chef Local at conferences like MCOM Foodtech 2019.
At that time I was personally creating all visual materials and managing the network of cooks and their clients with my co-founder Jenya.
We worked offline with VkusVill employees in shops and offices. Also we promoted Chef Local at conferences like MCOM Foodtech 2019.
At that time I was personally creating all visual materials and managing the network of cooks and their clients with my co-founder Jenya.

Round 2: MVP
Round 2: MVP
We successfully confirmed our main hypothesis and received the second round of invesments.
We started building the team that helped us to manage and grow the network of cooks and clients.
We successfully confirmed our main hypothesis and received the second round of invesments.
We started building the team that helped us to manage and grow the network of cooks and clients.
We successfully confirmed our main hypothesis and received the second round of invesments.
We started building the team that helped us to manage and grow the network of cooks and clients.
At the same time Jenya and I focused on customer development, constantly getting insights from communication between cooks and clients to understand how the final product should look 🔬.
At the same time Jenya and I focused on customer development, constantly getting insights from communication between cooks and clients to understand how the final product should look 🔬.
At the same time Jenya and I focused on customer development, constantly getting insights from communication between cooks and clients to understand how the final product should look 🔬.

orders /month
orders /month
orders /month
$29,7 average order
1,9 orders /client
$29,7 average order
1,9 orders /client
$29,7 average order
1,9 orders /client
Specify orders details and search for cooks
Manage delivery and collect 20% commission
Specify orders details and search for cooks
Manage delivery and collect 20% commission
Specify orders details and search for cooks
Manage delivery and collect 20% commission
active cooks /month
active cooks /month
active cooks /month
Up to 30 orders /month (16 on average)
Up to $950 income /month ($400 on average)
Up to 30 orders /month (16 on average)
Up to $950 income /month ($400 on average)
Up to 30 orders /month (16 on average)
Up to $950 income /month ($400 on average)
✅ Personal touch
✅ Personal touch
70 % of orders were from clients with the specific menu and ingredients, 3 times /month on average.
Trusted cooks discussed order details with clients personally.
70 % of orders were from clients with the specific menu and ingredients, 3 times /month on average.
Trusted cooks discussed order details with clients personally.
70 % of orders were from clients with the specific menu and ingredients, 3 times /month on average.
Trusted cooks discussed order details with clients personally.
❗️ Legal risk
❗️ Legal risk
Officially it was illigal in Russia to sell food made at home, but in reality home cooks would never have any issues with authorities if they pay taxes and have sanitary ID.
Officially it was illigal in Russia to sell food made at home, but in reality home cooks would never have any issues with authorities if they pay taxes and have sanitary ID.
Officially it was illigal in Russia to sell food made at home, but in reality home cooks would never have any issues with authorities if they pay taxes and have sanitary ID.
📱 Solution
📱 Solution
We decided to build iOS and Android apps based on personal connection between cooks and clients.
We decided to build iOS and Android apps based on personal connection between cooks and clients.
We decided to build iOS and Android apps based on personal connection between cooks and clients.
Subscrition for cooks was selected as the monetization method, with the same price as the 20% commision from averege cook 🤝.
Subscrition for cooks was selected as the monetization method, with the same price as the 20% commision from averege cook 🤝.
Subscrition for cooks was selected as the monetization method, with the same price as the 20% commision from averege cook 🤝.

We impressed our vision of the product on the VkusVill board of directors and got approval on MVP concept.
But we had only 3 month ⏳ to release apps in AppStore and Google Play.
We impressed our vision of the product on the VkusVill board of directors and got approval on MVP concept.
But we had only 3 month ⏳ to release apps in AppStore and Google Play.
We impressed our vision of the product on the VkusVill board of directors and got approval on MVP concept.
But we had only 3 month ⏳ to release apps in AppStore and Google Play.
Such a tight timeline required to outsource the UX/UI design and the apps development.
Collaboration with Purrweb team was very positive. The real data was used to provide requirements, personas and user jorney maps.
Such a tight timeline required to outsource the UX/UI design and the apps development.
Collaboration with Purrweb team was very positive. The real data was used to provide requirements, personas and user jorney maps.
Such a tight timeline required to outsource the UX/UI design and the apps development.
Collaboration with Purrweb team was very positive. The real data was used to provide requirements, personas and user jorney maps.

I created the product identity
based on clients and cooks expectations
I created the product identity
based on clients and cooks expectations

Chatbot UX for client onboarding
Chatbot UX for client onboarding
Using a chatbot on our landing web-sites helped to increase conversion to orders and to tell new clients more about Chef Local. So I suggested to apply the same UX for the app.
Using a chatbot on our landing web-sites helped to increase conversion to orders and to tell new clients more about Chef Local. So I suggested to apply the same UX for the app.
Using a chatbot on our landing web-sites helped to increase conversion to orders and to tell new clients more about Chef Local. So I suggested to apply the same UX for the app.
Accent on personality
Accent on personality
UX research showed that cooks couldn't make good pictures of food and we must use another visual accents to make the app beautiful.
Our clients valued the most the personal connection, ability to discuss and customize orders. So I suggested to use a personal photo and a personal chef's story for the UX/UI of the main screen and a chef's profile.
Another important requirement was that the main screen should look good ever with two chefs available nearby.
UX research showed that cooks couldn't make good pictures of food and we must use another visual accents to make the app beautiful.
Our clients valued the most the personal connection, ability to discuss and customize orders. So I suggested to use a personal photo and a personal chef's story for the UX/UI of the main screen and a chef's profile.
Another important requirement was that the main screen should look good ever with two chefs available nearby.
UX research showed that cooks couldn't make good pictures of food and we must use another visual accents to make the app beautiful.
Our clients valued the most the personal connection, ability to discuss and customize orders. So I suggested to use a personal photo and a personal chef's story for the UX/UI of the main screen and a chef's profile.
Another important requirement was that the main screen should look good ever with two chefs available nearby.

At the same guidelines were provided to help cooks to create attractive profiles and how to meet legal requirements.
At the same guidelines were provided to help cooks to create attractive profiles and how to meet legal requirements.
At the same guidelines were provided to help cooks to create attractive profiles and how to meet legal requirements.

After 4 month we were ready to release the app
in AppStore and Google Play
After 4 month we were ready to release the app in AppStore and Google Play

Round 3: Proof of growth
Round 3: Proof of growth
In April 2020 we recieved the third round of investments and had to increase number of cooks and clients significantly after the app release.
Unfortunatelly the Covid-19 🦠 pandemic just started. Many chefs left the project right before the app launch.
In April 2020 we recieved the third round of investments and had to increase number of cooks and clients significantly after the app release.
Unfortunatelly the Covid-19 🦠 pandemic just started. Many chefs left the project right before the app launch.
In April 2020 we recieved the third round of investments and had to increase number of cooks and clients significantly after the app release.
Unfortunatelly the Covid-19 🦠 pandemic just started. Many chefs left the project right before the app launch.
We decided to change the name from Chef Local to Talentum and pivot to marketplace of any personal service, if the current concept fails.
Almost $160,000 worth of homemade food was sold over the 18-month product lifecycle.
We decided to change the name from Chef Local to Talentum and pivot to marketplace of any personal service, if the current concept fails.
Almost $160,000 worth of homemade food was sold over the 18-month product lifecycle.
We decided to change the name from Chef Local to Talentum and pivot to marketplace of any personal service, if the current concept fails.
Almost $160,000 worth of homemade food was sold over the 18-month product lifecycle.
What I've learned
What I've learned
After getting the first round of investments, I also participated in the VkusVill startup acceleration program where I've learned to run a product from hypothesis to release.
After getting the first round of investments, I also participated in the VkusVill startup acceleration program where I've learned to run a product from hypothesis to release.
After getting the first round of investments, I also participated in the VkusVill startup acceleration program where I've learned to run a product from hypothesis to release.
I am very grateful to VkusVill and to the CEO Andrey Krivenko personally for the opportunity and all the experience. It has been an incredible journey.
I am very grateful to VkusVill and to the CEO Andrey Krivenko personally for the opportunity and all the experience. It has been an incredible journey.
I am very grateful to VkusVill and to the CEO Andrey Krivenko personally for the opportunity and all the experience. It has been an incredible journey.